Connect the PSP to WiFi Livebox

>> Saturday, June 16, 2012

Connect the PSP to WiFi Livebox
I am having problem in connecting PSP connectivity to (Orange) Livebox . can any one tell how to Connect a PSP to WiFi Livebox .

Dr. V

Posts: n/a
Configure Livebox
first Configure Livebox
To do this, you type in the address bar of your browser on your computer.
To access the parameters of the Livebox, it asks for a password and user name, type "admin" for both

Sagem Livebox

You go on "Wireless network, you click" Enable "if the wireless network is not enabled.
Then you go to MAC address, click "Edit MAC filter list," then you type the MAC address of your PSP (it is located in Settings => System => Information System on your PSP), you Enter this address with: "then click" Add. "

Livebox Inventel

You go to "Security" => "802.11g" check "Enable wireless network"
Then, to put together the MAC address of your PSP, press the button 1 behind the Livebox so that it looks for wireless devices (including your PSP). The time it Mode Association, set the PSP.

Configure PSP

Go to "Settings" => "Network Settings" => "Infrastructure Mode" => "New Connection" => "Scan" => select the IP address of your Livebox, then, if the WEP key is turned on the Livebox , Select WEP and type the code for your WEP key (it is marked under your Livebox).

Then do "Customize" => "Automatic" => "Do not use" and finally to the Internet browser, you can select "Do not use" if you do not browse the Internet via the PSP (this n 'Prevents not connect to the Livebox) and you confirm.

Test your connection, your PSP is now connected to Livebox.



Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 1,659
Portable PlayStation (PSP) to my Livebox
Flick the WLAN switch on the left of the PSP to the on position (upwards).
Go to the "Settings" menu and scroll down to the bottom. Select "Network Settings" and press X.
Select "Infrastructure Mode" and press X.
If you get the title "Select a connection to edit", select "[New Connection]" and press X, otherwise continue to the next step.
Choose a name for the connection and press -> on the d-pad to continue.
Under the "WLAN Settings" select "Scan" and press X.
The PSP will scan for the Livebox. Once it's found it, select it from the list and press X.
The next screen will show the SSID of the access point (The name of the Livebox). Press -> on the d-pad.
Under "WLAN Security Setting" select "WEP" and then press -> on the d-pad.
Punch in the WEP key for the box in CAPITAL LETTERS and with no spaces. When returning to this screen after pressing in the WEP key, the key will only show up as "********" (8 stars). Don't worry about this and press ->.
Under "Address Settings", select "Easy" and press ->.
The next screen just shows a summary of the connection settings, titled "Setting List". Just press -> again.
The next screen will read "Press the X button to save the settings". Do so, and another screen will appear asking you to test the connection.
At this point, press the 1 button on the Livebox to put it into pairing mode, then press X on the PSP.
If everything is successful, a large summary screen should appear. So long as there's an IP address assigned to the PSP and the Internet Connection shows as "Succeeded" (This last setting is at the very bottom of the screen. Press down to scroll) then you know everything is OK.
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 2,113
In order to effectively connect the PSP to the Livebox wirelessly, you will most likely need to change the security of the Livebox to "WEP security only", since by default it uses is both WEP and WPA simultaneously.

How do I change the security settings of my Livebox?

It is STRONGLY advised to use a wired ethernet connection to do this. If you change the settings using a wireless connection, you will be disconnected once the changes have been applied. If you have any wireless devices that are configured to connect to the Livebox already, please bare in mind that you will need to re-configure these devices again to connect to the Livebox.
Log onto the Livebox configuration screen, either by opening a browser and typing in, or by double clicking on "Configure The Livebox" on your desktop.
Type in the username and password for the Livebox (NOT your broadband account) and click OK.
The default values here are "admin" and "admin" for both the username and password.
Navigate through the menu on the left:
Configuration -> Advanced -> Wireless
You will be presented with four different "radio button" options:
o WPA or WEP security
o WPA security only
o WEP security
o No security
Select the one that you want (or need) and then click on "Submit".
On the next screen, click the "Apply the configuration now" button, and the Livebox will reboot itself. Once it has rebooted, your changes will take effect.


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