Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2

>> Sunday, June 17, 2012

Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
As basically it is a sequel game of Prototype 1 there must be many common thing in Prototype 2 also as they were in prototype 1. But after I saw some videos and also saw so comments from many users who already have got this game are like they have not changed many things. They have just chanced the graphics and also the story. And they have just added few more power that too not many very few. I think in past 3 years they didn’t do anything more than this. So can anyone one over here who has got the game let me know if I am right or not. I think it is not worth for the price it is.
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Old 25-04-2012
MACALL MACALL is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
This is shaping up to be an awesome sequel! Usually sequels lose something that the first had, and when you change the characters you’re putting yourself in a dangerous position. But I'm glad they look like they're doing it right, with the main character from the first game made the villain it keeps him in the game but lets them explore a new character, well done radical entertainment. I expect the game to be well worth it, don't let me down.
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Old 25-04-2012
Wyl Wyl is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
I don't think that Heller being the main character for Prototype 2 was the choose. He would make a much better villain to me. When you look at the poles everyone still loves Alex. Prototype 2 is a game about power, in Prototype 1 if I picked up a Civil and killed him I didn't feel too bad as I wasn't playing a hero, I was playing Alex Merce, I would have like it in Prototype 2 if Alex did some good things, after all people wanted him to a little bit more of a hero, Heller is cool and all but from the game-play my worry is that he will become over powered. One of the things I loved about Prototype 1 was that killing was still fun and a challenge. I hope he doesn't become that way or Prototype 2 will fall flat of it face. This is just my thoughts though.
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Old 25-04-2012
mbangali mbangali is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
This is so true, map is so much better with detailed, better graphics, smooth gameplay, very nice unlock system, finely a good story, more awesome gameplay, everything from prototype 1 is better and different the only things that a question is for me: is this, goliath don't spawn in free roam i thought it was well in the game free roam, red zone is more look alike prototype 1 all other zones to but much better different presented. This game is addicted as hell! I have a question, in your 11 reasons trailer why prototype is awesome are there things that i can't do: 1. Heller take a soldier or person on the roof and then he release him and the person falls. How you can cancel throwing, in throwing position?,2. In hunting trailer some of your developers show how Heller jumps of a very high skywalker and assignation him, but if i this do Heller will automatically go on the ground if he is too very high on normal buildings it work but not on skywalkers. Or is it only in hunting missions because there it also doesn’t work.
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Old 25-04-2012
LotusN LotusN is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
I’m playing the game, its total fun. So glad i didn’t pass on this. Although i have much gaming to go (maybe around 13 hours without including all side missions) i was wondering if someone have already blew through this was just curious and don’t want a spoiler, lol but I heard the ending climax is actually a highlight of this game, maybe what I’m hearing is wrong but I’ve been hearing it everywhere. Anyways I’m having a blast and the visuals are so much better, the controls obviously tuned up and it was the first thing i noticed, again I’m very happy i stuck to my guns and got this.
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Old 25-04-2012
AlisaDsa AlisaDsa is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
So I had preordered the game, it was picked up on Saturday night and Sunday I started to play. Have now just 25.4 hours of play and have it on normal and Wahnsenig through. In addition, Heller is with me on the maximal ten what it is at present. So I can really am a big fan but the game Prototype is borrow sometimes over a weekend and that's enough. So who collects games and I'd say I can recommend the Steelbox because of the looks really gel.
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Old 25-04-2012
Mollyi7 Mollyi7 is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
NO ARMOR!? It’s really not cool what you guys did, guys like me who work day and night can't be online doing those events and stuff just to get the armor. I’m also not a huge online player; it’s a one player game. I see no reason why i should go online and jump through hoops just to get something i easily got in the 1st game but with effective i guess. i don't like the change in controls, i don't like having two arm powers on at the same time, i don't like having a reduced amount of combos and i don't like not being able to climb or slide on walls.
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Old 25-04-2012
VazV VazV is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
You mean either Alex Mercer or James Heller needs to die? I don't think that's possible because:
1.Heller can't die since he's the main character of Prototype 2 and they just won't erase Heller and all his new abilities at the end of Prototype 2! (It's possible that they fake Heller's death but somehow they rejoin Mercer and Heller in P3)
2. Mercer can't die. Well I don't have to explain this one, right?
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Old 25-04-2012
Baijayanthi Baijayanthi is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2

Apart from a new player, the new Prototype, published by Activision maintains the essence of the first, but with several improvements. These improvements have been undertaken at the suggestion of users that Radical has listened carefully. One is the graphic section. We have recognized that in the first game "sacrificed quality for quantity." However, for this installment wanted "quality without sacrificing the amount" and for that Radical engineers "have done a great job."

Prototype 2 is set back in New York, but divided into three zones, depending on the level of control over the military and how widespread the infection is. Now the city is "very much alive" thanks to improvements in artificial intelligence, and is more detailed because a greater number of polygons and textures in higher resolution. The moving feeling to see the new Prototype is very positive.

Another of the pillars have been strengthened is the balance of the difficulty in fighting and the development thereof. We have recognized that in the first Prototype it was "wrongful death" when the player, for example, was attacked from behind or the side without perceiving it. "There is nothing more frustrating for a player who dies without being able to do anything about it," he explained. We have worked for these wrongful deaths do not occur so often.

Furthermore, the fighting system has been expanded to give more chances and be more strategic in the huge chaos that reigns always in Prototype 2, really massive fights and explosions everywhere. Now we can combine two powers at once (one on the X or square button and one with Y or triangle). Thus, while we are equipping heavy fists and a whip and combine them in fights. There will also be new powers to increase opportunities.

On the other hand, this Prototype is fully translated into Castilian, with a doubling of the height (unlike the first, which was only subtitled). However, apart from improvements in the system of combat or in the technical and artistic, the great value of the new Prototype will be precisely maintain its essence, but polished. An essence explained as "the experience of feeling ultimate power." "There is no experience like this in any game."
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Old 26-04-2012
KirtiPatel KirtiPatel is offline

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Re: Prototype 1 vs Prototype 2
The game is really huge and really good in the shortage of good game right now. A story well done, better than a hero in the first part (I found for myself even though I understand people who preferred Alex). One big downside is the graphics that hurt the eyes after the latest games out (for example extreme battlefield 3). Powers and freedoms enjoyable! Very good game, do not hesitate. Excelling! the plot is really good looking, changes made since the first game are still better, the difficulty increases fast enough so that really spice up the grip, the graphics are also suitable, perhaps the only downside at the fights a little easier had their form of QTE. Prototype is presented as a worthy successor of his "huge" big brother!
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